The Problem With Society
Unisex Standard T-Shirt / black / s


Preshrunk t-shirt in 100% cotton, except:
- Sport Grey: 90% US Cotton / 10% Polyester
- Dark Heather: 50% US Cotton / 50% Polyester or 35% US Cotton / 65% Polyester
- Ash: 99% US Cotton / 1% Polyester
Seamless twin needle 7/8" collar.
Taped neck and shoulders. Rolled forward shoulders for better fit.
Twin needle sleeve and bottom hems. Quarter-turned to eliminate centre crease.
Care Instruction:
- Machine wash at max. 30ĀŗC/86ĀŗF with short spin cycle, inside out with like colors
- Do not use bleach
- Do not iron
- Do not dry clean
- Do not tumble dry
Koha e prodhimit:
- Veshje tƫ shtypura (shtypje normale/ pjesore): 3-5 ditƫ pune
- Speciale pƫr shtypjen e kanavacƫs/posterit: 5-7 ditƫ pune
- Veshje dhe produkte me printim tƫ plotƫ (Full Prints): 7-10 ditƫ pune
Koha e dƫrgesƫs:
- Veshje tƫ shtypura (shtypje normale/ pjesore): 5-7 ditƫ pune
- Veshje dhe produkte me printim tƫ plotƫ (Full Prints): 11-14 ditƫ pune
- Porositƫ ndƫrkombƫtare mund tƫ kƫrkojnƫ mƫ shumƫ kohƫ: 1-2 javƫ.
Shƫnim: Koha e dƫrgesƫs mund tƫ marrƫ nga 21 deri nƫ 25 ditƫ pune, Ndjekja ƫshtƫ normale, mund tƫ ndodhƫ qƫ paketa juaj tƫ mos pƫrditƫsohet nƫ kohƫ, ndaj ju lutemi prisni me durim.
Shiko mƫ shumƫNdƫrsa duam qƫ Ƨdo porosi tƫ jetƫ e pƫrkryer, ndodhin gabime herƫ pas here. Ne mund tƫ ofrojmƫ riprodhime dhe rimbursime pƫr porositƫ tuaja nƫse ka gabime nƫ porosi. Nƫse po dƫrgoni njƫ kƫrkesƫ pƫr riprodhim ose rimbursim, ju lutemi pƫrfshini prova fotografike tƫ produktit tuaj nƫ porosinƫ tuaj.
Rastet kur mbulojmƫ koston e riprodhimit (riprodhime) ose rimbursimit:
- Ka njƫ problem prodhimi me produktin tuaj.
- Produkti nƫ porosinƫ tuaj ƫshtƫ i thyer ose i dƫmtuar gjatƫ transportit.
- Keni marrƫ produktin e gabuar nƫ porosinƫ tuaj.
- Porosia ƫshtƫ humbur gjatƫ transportit dhe adresa fillestare e dƫrgesƫs ishte e saktƫ.
- Porosia ƫshtƫ humbur gjatƫ transportit dhe koha e vƫrtetƫ e dƫrgesƫs kalon afatin e pƫrgjithshƫm tƫ kohƫs pƫr dƫrgesat.
Nƫse mallrat qƫ ju janƫ dorƫzuar pƫrfshihen nƫ ndonjƫ nga kriteret e mƫsipƫrme, ju lutemi ndiqni hapat e mƫposhtƫm pƫr tƫ bƫrƫ njƫ kƫrkesƫ nga shƫrbimi ynƫ ndaj klientƫve:
- Duhet tƫ paraqisni njƫ kƫrkesƫ pƫr kthimin brenda 14 ditƫ pune pas marrjes sƫ mallrave tuaja.
- Pas 14 ditƫ pune, Nuk do tƫ pranohet asnjƫ kthim. Gjithashtu, nƫse produktet kthehen para se tƫ dƫrgoni kƫrkesƫn tuaj, ato produkte humbasin.
- Ju lutemi vini re se klientƫt janƫ pƫrgjegjƫs pƫr etiketat e transportit tƫ kthimit. Ne do t'ju dƫrgojmƫ udhƫzimet pƫr kthim veƧmas me email.
- Duhet tƫ paraqisni njƫ kƫrkesƫ pƫr kthimin brenda 14 ditƫ pune pas marrjes sƫ mallrave tuaja.
- Do tƫ marrƫ pƫrafƫrsisht 5-10 ditƫ pune pƫr tƫ procesuar rimbursimin tuaj.
Rishikime produktesh
TĆ« gjitha imazhet (9)
Filtroni sipas:

Mary Childs
Blerƫ nƫ United States
This shirt is so great. The design and colors are perfect. My son loves it. Daisy Sunday shop is fantastic too. The designs are awesome and the shirts are really great quality.
Rishikuar mƫ Mar 12, 2025

Mary Childs
Blerƫ nƫ United States
This shirt is so great. The design and colors are perfect. My son loves it. Daisy Sunday shop is fantastic too. The designs are awesome and the shirts are really great quality.
Rishikuar mƫ Mar 12, 2025

Ken Wise
Blerƫ nƫ United States
The shirt was great quality and the graphics were printed on very well. Thank you "daisy sunday "
Rishikuar mƫ Mar 12, 2025

Robert Dean Wells
Blerƫ nƫ United States
Great quality, I would absolutely order from this seller again! :). thannk you daisy sunday shop
Rishikuar mƫ Mar 12, 2025

foret duvin
Blerƫ nƫ Belgium
better than expected and i love it!. Thank Daisy Sunday Shop
Rishikuar mƫ Mar 12, 2025
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